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Riga Wealth Weyergans


Positive energy for body and mind


We breathe while we live. With each breath, we are filled with oxygen from the surrounding air. All our body needs oxygen for metabolism in the body and mind. In the oxygen of air, natural ions that rotate around each molecule of oxygen are especially important. Ions are tiny electrical particles. Only thanks to them we can use the vital oxygen of the air we breathe. And only ions provide our cells with the energy they need to perform all their functions.

The new IONO₂-ACTIVE mask is equipped with an ion generator that acts like a small power station and supplies the body with oxygen ions in a highly concentrated form. Wear the IONO₂-ACTIVE mask at home, at work or on a walk and get an immediate and long-lasting effect. The importance of electric oxygen ions for our health is discussed in science and medicine for decades.

Fresh as sea air

The IONO₂-ACTIVE mask increases the amount of ions in the air you breathe. For example, when you like a long walk on the sea or climbing on high mountains and many other things.

The new mask IONO₂-ACTIVE consists of a high-quality reusable mask for the mouth and nose and the necessary technologies in a compact body. The comfortable mask has a permanent elastic strap it can be put on quickly, and it is also suitable for people who wear glasses. With the help of the cup, the wallet can be worn inconspicuously and conveniently on a belt or simply placed next to you on a table or sofa. Get more energy at the push of a button and fill yourself with high-quality oxygen ions with every breath!

The price:

690.00 EUR

for use at home

Questions and answers

How long should the mask be worn?

Use the mask for several hours every day. You can use it e.g. constantly during working hours.
One battery charge lasts up to 18 hours. Charging time is only about eight hours.

What do you feel when you wear a mask?

Oxygen ions cannot be sensed. However, many people report that they feel like the air they breathe is fresher and they can breathe better.

How do I know the mask is active?

As soon as the blue light of the power button turns blue, the mask is active.

Can multiple people use the same mask?

Yes, it is possible to order interchangeable masks in different sizes.

Can I speak well with the mask on?

The new IONO₂-ACTIVE mask is much less obtrusive than a normal everyday mask made of fabric.

It is completely possible to talk and call

Is the mask available in a smaller size for my children?

Yes, you can also order masks in child size and activate them by re-plugging the ion generator.


Discount on birthday and name day!

In the week of your birthday anniversary, as well as on the day of your name day, we give you a 15% discount for any chosen procedure.

Enjoy this moment and get satisfaction!

Please apply for procedures at least two days in advance!

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