Riga Wealth Weyergans
Procedures for men
Vacuum massage for the face, neck, chest and shoulder area
Dermio Top Head oxygen negative ion therapy for the face - for a younger look
Dermabrasion – therapeutic cosmetological peeling of deep effect

Effective and professional facial care procedures for a modern, elegant and well-groomed man.
In order for you to more easily overcome stress, physical and mental fatigue, the harmful effects of the environment on the body, Weyergans innovative apparatus procedures will improve your health, give you optimal energy and restore youth.
Facial procedures
Vacuum massage for the face, neck, chest and shoulder area

Vacuum massage for the face, neck, chest and shoulder area. Signs of fatigue disappear, the skin radiates with freshness and energy.
With the help of easily absorbed massage and negative pressure of varying intensity, vacuum massage acts on the skin and subcutaneous fat layer, ensuring free lymph flow, increasing metabolic processes and removing metabolic end products from problem areas. Tissue regeneration is accelerated, excess fluid is removed.
Vthree types of therapy are combined in one procedure:
1. Opening of lymphatic channels – mechanical lymphatic drainage;
2. Activation – improvement of metabolism and microcirculation;
3. Skin strengthening.
As a result:
the connective tissue system is restored, the skin feels firm and elastic;
skin and pores are cleansed;
the oval of the face strengthens;
double chin is eliminated;
bags around the eyes are reduced;
wrinkles will be smoothed;
narrows enlarged pores;
skin color improves;
tension in the shoulder area is removed;
relaxation of the muscles of the face, neck and shoulders.
Dry and tight scar tissue can be softened with the help of vacuum massage.
In order for the result to last, we recommend performing the procedures once a week. Course from 6 to 10 times.
We recommend shaving your beard before the procedure!
The price:
60.00 EUR
1 hour 30 minutes
Mesotherapy without needles

Original German apparatus procedure Meso Care, which is called an alternative to facial plastic surgery.
Active cell regeneration stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which restores the face and visibly strengthens skin tissue, reduces the depth of wrinkles, effectively strengthens the face oval - an alternative to facial plastic surgery.
As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out and the contour of the face is restored.
Basic procedure– gently degreases the skin with protein peeling. It contains arnica extract and allantoin, which immediately prevent any skin irritation, soya oil helps to massage the product into the skin more easily.
Revival Enzyme Maskis a broad-spectrum skin care product that regenerates and cleanses the skin, softens and protects irritated skin, makes tired skin clean and radiant, clears clogged pores, refreshes aged and tired skin.
Meso drainage– a very intense complex of biologically active substances is administered non-invasively: Amino Cocktail, Collagen, Carnitin, Hyaluron, Skin Firming Cocktail, Anti-Striae Cocktail. During this treatment, the formation of collagen and elastin fibers increases.
MESO lifting – performed with surface electrodes. This treatment mobilizes the ions of the intercellular fluid, the walls of the blood vessels respond with dilation - widening of blood vessels. As a result, the metabolism increases, as a result of which the blood circulation significantly increases. This increases cell division and strengthens the dermis. During its action, fibroblasts (cells that produce the collagen necessary for the formation of connective tissue) are stimulated and supplied with blood.
At the end of the procedure, a mask suitable for your facial skin is applied.
After a course of treatment, the result is obvious:
skin color improves;
skin tone improves;
the depth of wrinkles decreases;
strengthens the skin;
a lifting effect is visible;
cells are better supplied with immune substances and nutrients.
In order for the result to last, we recommend performing the procedures once a week. Course from 3 to 10 times.
We recommend shaving your beard before the procedure!
The price:
85.00 EUR
1 hour 30 minutes
Dermio Top Head oxygen negative ion therapy for the face - for a younger look

For good looks and a positive body image!
Transforms five million negative oxygen ions in a concentrated form per 1 cm3 of air.
The penetration of negative ions through the skin, lung tissues and blood circulation during the breathing process provides the cell with energy, promotes faster cell division and regeneration.
Collagenization increases rapidly, complexion improves, dark circles under the eyes disappear, fine wrinkles smooth out.
Used in the treatment of acne. It is recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, the prevention of the risk of heart attack and stroke; in the fight against cancer.
Indications (when recommended):
psycho-vegetative state of fatigue:
inability to concentrate;
spasms of the lungs;
lung diseases, such as bronchial asthma;
chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema;
hair loss;
recovery period;
treatment of venous insufficiency, prevention;
treatment, prevention of arthritis, osteoporosis;
prevention of atherosclerosis.
blood pressure normalizes;
cholesterol level decreases;
digestive function improves;
immune system functions improve, resistance to infections increases;
reduces allergic reactions;
has antioxidant properties;
metabolism is activated;
toxins are removed from the body;
body tissues and cells will be enriched with active oxygen;
hair growth is stimulated;
the pH level in the tissues is neutralized;
connective tissue is strengthened (the skin is toned);
the appearance, texture and elasticity of the skin improves;
the nervous system will calm down;
the menstrual cycle normalizes;
sleep quality improves;
performance improves;
prevention of premature aging;
life expectancy increases;
bacteriological effect;
beneficial effect on lactation.
There are no contraindications for the procedure!
Saving your precious time, we recommend simultaneously performing Body Wrapping, Slide Styler – mechanical lymphatic drainage, Vacustyler.
The price:
46.00 EUR
30 minutes
Dermabrassion - Medical Cosmetological Peeling

Microdermabrasion is recommended in the following cases:
excessively thickened skin (hyperkeratosis);
acne (after acne scars, teenage acne, classic acne);
dirty skin;
age-related changes in the skin.
After the first time, the client will be able to see the deep effect of microdermabrasion.
the skin becomes much smoother and softer
the color of the skin improves, the depth of wrinkles decreases
scars become smoother and less visible
the synthesis of collagen and elastin improves in the skin
skin tone improves
Dermabrasion contraindications:
very thin skin;
acute skin inflammation;
skin infections;
inflamed acne with purulent elements;
open wounds;
skin tumors.
For better result we recommend you to make procedure one a week. Course - 3-10 times.
We recommend to shave beard before the treatment!
The price:
45.00 EUR
1 hour
Meso de Lux SPA – for Anti-Age effect

Basic procedure – gently degreases the skin with protein peeling. It contains arnica extract and allantoin, which immediately prevent any skin irritation; soybean oil helps to massage the product into the skin more easily.
Oxygen ion therapy for the face–Dermio Top Head.
Vacuum massage for the face, neck, chest and shoulder area:
Original German hardware procedureMeso Care, which is referred to as an alternative to facial plastic surgery.
Active cell regeneration stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which restores the face and visibly strengthens the skin tissue, reduces the depth of wrinkles, effectively strengthens the facial oval - an alternative to facial plastic surgery.
As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out and the contour of the face is restored.
Meso drainage– a very intense complex of biologically active substances is administered non-invasively: Amino Cocktail, Collagen, Carnitin, Hyaluron, Skin Firming Cocktail, Anti-Striae Cocktail. During this treatment, the formation of collagen and elastin fibers increases.
MESO lifting– performed with surface electrodes. This treatment mobilizes the ions of the intercellular fluid, the walls of the blood vessels respond with dilation - widening of blood vessels. As a result, the metabolism increases, as a result of which the blood circulation significantly increases. This increases cell division and strengthens the dermis. During its action, fibroblasts (cells that produce the collagen necessary for the formation of connective tissue) are stimulated and supplied with blood.
At the end of the procedure, a mask suitable for your facial skin is applied.
After a course of treatment, the result is obvious:
skin color improves;
skin tone improves;
the depth of wrinkles decreases;
strengthens the skin;
a lifting effect is visible;
cells are better supplied with immune substances and nutrients.
In order for the result to last, we recommend performing the procedures once a week. Course from 3 to 10 times.
The price:
130.00 EUR
2 hours
Procedures for the body
Vacuum massage for the body

With the help of easily absorbing massage and negative pressure of varying intensity, vacuum massage acts on the skin and subcutaneous fat layer, ensuring free lymph flow, increasing metabolic processes and removing metabolic end products from problem areas. Tissue regeneration is accelerated, excess fluid is removed.
Three types of therapy are combined in one procedure:
opening of lymphatic channels – mechanical lymphatic drainage;
activation – improvement of metabolism and microcirculation;
skin tightening.
As a result of the procedure:
excess adipose tissue and cellulite in any part of the body disappeared;
the connective tissue system is restored, making loose skin firm and flexible;
the tension in the shoulder and back muscles is removed;
pain in cases of radiculitis and arthritis is treated;
fresh surgical scars are smoothed;
procedures on the abdomen tone bowel function, prevent constipation;
the volume of the abdominal area decreases and the firmness of the skin improves.
In order for the result to be permanent, we recommend that the procedure be carried out in the form of a course.
Prices and procedure duration:
VVacuum massage for body – 2 hours - 90.00 EUR
Vacuum massage for waist and stomach – 45 mins - 35.00 EUR
Vacuum massage for arms, triceps – 30 mins - 30.00 EUR
Vacuum massage for back- 30 mins - 30.00 EUR
30 - 60 minutes
Ultrasound for the body

Ultrasound is a term associated with the modern lifestyle. It is a new body treatment method for skin toning, shaping, used in slimming procedures.
With the help of ultrasound sonophoresis, active substances are injected into the skin: hyaluronic acid, various vitamins, biofunctional serums for activating collagen synthesis, breaking down fat deposits, treating problematic skin.
In a short time - in 15 minutes - the maximum effect is achieved. Thanks to the mechanism of ultrasound action, metabolic end products are removed from the cells.
Special areas:
stomach, waist;
inner upper arms.
The procedure is absolutely painless.
We recommend combining the procedure with other procedures offered by "Weyergans" in the form of a course.
The price:
30.00 EUR
15 minutes
Alley Gates – deep relaxation of shoulder muscles

Alley Gatesthe program relieves the muscles of the shoulders from tension, during the treatment the electric current flows in and out automatically, which creates a pleasant and relaxing feeling during the procedure.
For painful shoulders, it is recommended to combine it with an ultrasound analgesic preparation.
We recommendAlley Gates to be performed as a course, as well as combined with classic massage, vacuum massage for the back, vacuum massage for the face.
The price:
20.00 EUR
15 min
Body correction: lipolysis, polyshape, Isotone

Electrolipolysis is one of the most recognized therapies used in the treatment of local subcutaneous fat and cellulite. Lipolysis (correction of the body with gentle current) is known in medicine and cosmetology as the breakdown and destruction of depot adipose tissue.
Every healthy cell has a normal electrical potential, and because there are different concentrations of ions mostly concentrated inside and outside the cell, electricity is able to exchange ions between the inside of the cell and the intercellular space.
Due to the change in the electrical potential of the cell, the cell membrane becomes permeable for a short time. Therefore, cell metabolism increases and the metabolic activity of the enzyme lipase increases, which improves cell lipometabolism. At the same time, the circulation in this area will be strengthened, which allows to transport the end products of metabolism much faster.
Men treat what is known as a spare tire, a beer belly.
Effect of lipolysis:
stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow, which acts on capillaries, stimulating nerves and blood vessel walls;
increases the permeability of adipocyte (fat cell) membranes and reduces their size;
hydrolyzes (drains) the skin, especially in cases of cellulite, when there is a tendency to accumulate fluid in the tissues;
tones (strengthens) tissue by rhythmic contraction of myofibrils (muscle).
Isotone programsas a result, the skin of your chest, abdomen or buttocks is strengthened for a long time.
In the Polyshape programincludes the use of various currents that ensure the regeneration and firmness of connective tissue. The different types of currents ensure high-quality ion exchange in the skin, fat tissue and muscles, supplying them with an adequate amount of oxygen and nutrients. Such conditions are ideal for tissue regeneration.
The price:
30.00 EUR
30 minutes
Dermio Care oxygen negative ion therapy – for a good image

Negative ions for a positive effect and special body care
"Dermio Care" emits high concentration O2(-) ions in the special antistatic "Dermio Bags". Negative ions are surface active and, entering the body through the dermis, neutralize toxins and acids H(+). The pH level of tissue fluids changes in the positive alkaline (basic) direction.
We recommend the procedure after heavy physical and mental stress, after excessive alcohol consumption, as well as for general body recovery.
As a result:
at the physiological level, the body begins to rapidly restore itself;
new energy is supplied to each cell;
active detox (cells are actively cleaned);
the condition of the skin improves objectively;
general body care and health maintenance;
restoring the acid/alkaline balance in the body;
strengthening weak connective tissue;
treatment of venous insufficiency;
prevention of diseases caused by hyperacidity, such as arthritis, osteoporosis.
Dermionology helps turn back your biological clock.
It is recommended to combine withDeermio top heead scaly ion therapy for the face
The price:
35.00 EUR
40 minutes
Variable pressure capsule Vacustyler with Iono Care ionized oxygen for the body

Vacustyleris the latest ofWeyergans inventions. The new oneWeyergans High Care Medical The device is futuristic not only in appearance, but also in its principles of operation: it incorporates the idea of a device used in cosmonautics, which is used to provide adequate blood supply to the legs of cosmonauts in a weightless state. It is called LBNPD - Lower Body Negative Pressure Device.
Within a few seconds, the negative pressure is replaced by normal pressure. The duration of these phases, as well as their frequency, can be regulated.
Physiology: During each phase of negative pressure, blood vessels in the skin and muscles dilate. Fresh blood flows into them, supplying oxygen and nutrients. Even blocked arteries become permeable, and even dead tissue is supplied with blood!
In every phase of negative pressure, of course, veins and lymphatic vessels also dilate. They fill with fluid and metabolic end products. This is followed by positive pressure and the lymphatic vessels and veins are compressed. After compression, the inflowing liquid can be directed in one direction as a result of the valves - from the legs to the body!
Thus, "Vacustyler" is a lymphatic drainage method with additional vascular training. It is used:
to reduce edema, heaviness in the legs;
for the treatment of enlarged and varicose veins;
to improve microcirculation (especially in diabetic patients);
after active sports activities (to remove lactic acid);
for improving erection and potency;
after injuries.
But there's a lot more going on!
The rapid change of positive and negative pressure affects not only blood vessels, but also skin, fatty tissue and muscle tissue. According to the theory of diffusion and osmosis, the permeability of cells increases: molecules of oxygen and nutrients enter the cells, while carbon dioxide and molecules of metabolic end products are pushed out of the cells. This significantly increases microcirculation, the cells work like a "washing machine".
The absorbed nutrients and oxygen are processed into metabolic end products and removed from the cells. At the cellular level, the entire treated area is "cleansed" - stomach, legs, hips, lower body.
Vacustyler helps to clean the tissues from the inside, normalize the pH level. This is the best way to improve skin condition and get healthy legs and feet.
We recommend using:
Styler cream– a massage cream that improves lymph circulation, protects the skin and makes it much softer.
Relax Balm – refreshes, removes edema, relaxes. Pleasant, fresh aroma.
The price:
22.00 EUR
30 minutes
Waxing for men

Removal of excess hair in unwanted areas with professional I. DE. MA. for waxes made from pine resin. The success of the manufacturer Xanitalia, which has allowed it to become a leader in the depilatory wax market, is based on careful quality control.
The special fruit aromas and special wax colors make the procedure very pleasant and refreshing. The titanium dioxide in its composition ensures a gentle and gentle waxing procedure for particularly sensitive skin.